Domain name auction

Auction starts at 12:00

Auction ends at 21:00

Prices start at 100 CZK

How to participate in the auction

Domain Browser

Log in with an authenticated MojeID account to the Domain Browser.

Search for a domain

Hundreds or even thousands of domains that have not been renewed are deleted every day.

Make a bid and pay

Set the maximum amount you are currently willing to pay. The actual bidding will take place automatically. You can increase your maximum amount at any time.


Click on the number box to display a graph or other data

Examples of ongoing / future auctions

Complete lists of auctioned domains with all auction features are in the Domain browser.

DomainCharsBidsPrice End of auction Action
tbs-group.cz94600 CZK 10/05/2024 9 p.m. Unwatch iconBid
hotelgalaxie.cz123300 CZK 10/05/2024 9 p.m. Unwatch iconBid
edumate.cz71100 CZK 10/05/2024 9 p.m. Unwatch iconBid
inzerce-aukce.cz131100 CZK 10/05/2024 9 p.m. Unwatch iconBid
kinderporno.cz111100 CZK 10/05/2024 9 p.m. Unwatch iconBid
mamou-stylove.cz131100 CZK 10/05/2024 9 p.m. Unwatch iconBid
maucetni.cz81100 CZK 10/05/2024 9 p.m. Unwatch iconBid
abbatheshow.cz1100 CZK 10/05/2024 9 p.m. Unwatch iconBid
absolutestate.cz1300 CZK 10/05/2024 9 p.m. Unwatch iconBid
acrofarm.cz800 CZK 10/05/2024 9 p.m. Unwatch iconBid
Data as of 10/05/2024 7:46 p.m..
DomainCharsBidsPrice Start date Action
dsq.cz300 CZK 10/06/2024 noon Unwatch icon
exl.cz300 CZK 10/15/2024 noon Unwatch icon
hfl.cz300 CZK 10/06/2024 noon Unwatch icon
htw.cz300 CZK 10/17/2024 noon Unwatch icon
iha.cz300 CZK 10/16/2024 noon Unwatch icon
nqr.cz300 CZK 10/08/2024 noon Unwatch icon
ocx.cz300 CZK 10/09/2024 noon Unwatch icon
odg.cz300 CZK 10/20/2024 noon Unwatch icon
pyl.cz300 CZK 10/13/2024 noon Unwatch icon
qzy.cz300 CZK 10/08/2024 noon Unwatch icon
Data as of 10/05/2024 7:46 p.m..


Functional changes starting from 28. 8.

Aug. 26, 2024

From 28. 8. you will be able to:

  • set the bidding value to a fixed amount for which, if it is the highest, you will get the domain. In addition to this type of bidding, you will…

Two-factor authentication required

Aug. 26, 2024

From 11. 9. a second factor login will be required to enter the Domain Browser (auctions).
So set it up for your account in advance if you don't already have one (may apply to cor…